Let us Enlighten the World with Lamp of Knowledge

Contact us (0233) 2622523

Ratanshinagar, Aamrai,P. B. 161, Sangli-416416

7:00 am to 5:00 pmMonday to Saturday

Contact us (0233) 2622523

Ratanshinagar, Aamrai,P. B. 161, Sangli-416416

7:00 am to 5:00 pmMonday to Saturday

Let us Enlighten the World with Lamp of Knowledge


Ratanshinagar, Aamrai, P. B. 161, Sangli-416416


(0233) 2622523

Department of Sociology

Established: 1971

Email : hodsociology@cbshahcollege.ac.in

           Sociology may be viewed as a composite social science. It not only employs modern tools and techniques of research but also dreams on cognate disciplines for a comprehensive theory of human society. Apart from the description and analysis of the social phenomena in relation to time and space, it also seeks to study the dynamics of human society, the ways in which the individuals and group interact, mobilize for collective action and attain the social goals. Further sociology analyses the social process for a precise understanding of human behavior. Finally, it analyses the dimensions of social change, which include changes in and around the society.

            The department of sociology started 50 years ago in the college since 1971. The Department of Sociology is offered graduate and post-graduate courses. Sociology has been taught as a disciplinary component and ancillary component and foundation course. In the post-graduate programme syllabus of choice-based credit system is beginning thought. These courses are some of the popular employment opportunities for sociologists in the field of Rural and Child Welfare, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Women studies, Schools/ Colleges/ Universities and NGOs.

Number of Full-time Teaching Posts02
Number of Full-time Teaching Posts filled02
Workload of the Department48
Name:Dr. Sujata J. Karade
Mobile No:+91 9850195027
Designation:Professor and Head of Department
Qualification:M. A., M. Phil., Ph. D.
Teaching Experience:28
Biodata:Click here to view