Let us Enlighten the World with Lamp of Knowledge

Contact us (0233) 2622523

Ratanshinagar, Aamrai,P. B. 161, Sangli-416416

7:00 am to 5:00 pmMonday to Saturday

Contact us (0233) 2622523

Ratanshinagar, Aamrai,P. B. 161, Sangli-416416

7:00 am to 5:00 pmMonday to Saturday

Let us Enlighten the World with Lamp of Knowledge


Ratanshinagar, Aamrai, P. B. 161, Sangli-416416


(0233) 2622523


Padmashree Vitthaldas Hakamchand Shah Library :

Historical Background :

 Smt.C.B.Shah Mahila Mahavidyalaya was established in the year 1970 and in the same year the college library was started in the old building situated at the building of Shri. Gujarati Seva Samaj, Wakharbhag. The library was named as ‘ Padmashree Vittaldas Hakamchand Shah Library’ . The Vittaldas Hakamchand Charitable Trust donated a sum of Rs.Rs. 1,10,000/- to establish ,develop and extend library services and activities for the students and teachers of the college. The details of the amount donated for library development is as below:
06/02/1985VITTALDAS HAKAMCHAND50,000/-

Smt. Lalita P. Lokur was appointed as the first librarian of the college library who put her efforts to develop the library from 1971- 1995.Since 1996-1998 , the library was being efficiently managed by library assistant Smt.D.D.Vaidya, Shri.Dhananjay B. Sutar was the College Librarian from 1999- 2012 and since then, he brought about various changes in the library services, activities and functions for developing readers community in the college and society. In 2014, Shri, R.D.Yadav was appointed as the College Librarian.

On 16th January 2002,a new separate library building was inaugurated in the glorious presence of Chief Guest, the then, Vice -Chancellor of S.N.D.T.Women’s University , Mumbai. The Principal and Permanent trustee Dr. Hemlataben Kothari took special efforts for the new library building

Library Staff :

Shri R.D.YadavM.Com, M.L.I.Sc., NET,SETLibrarian
Smt. H. H. JajalIXthLibrary Attendant
Shri. R.M. PatilB.A.Library Attendant
Shri A. N. MajalattiB. A.Library Attendant

Library Section