Every student should conduct herself properly, maintain proper behavior & observe strict discipline.
Every student should not cause any disturbance in the lawful functioning of the institution.
Every student is required to attend all lectures. They should be punctual for lectures, practical, tutorials & other activities. Students will not be permitted to fill up examination form if they don’t have minimum 75% of attendance in class.
Every student must wear their identity cards within the premises of the institution and ID card must be produced whenever asked for by any of the college authority.
Students are strictly prohibited from political & students union activities in the campus.
The students must keep their mobile on silent mode in the class as well as in the campus.
Students are strictly prohibited from smoking, chewing tobacco/gutkha, etc. in the campus.
Strict disciplinary action will be taken for misbehavior & misconduct in the class & in the campus of the institution.
As per the law ragging is strictly prohibited in the institution. Two years of imprisonment & penalty up to Rs. 10,000 will be levied on the offence of ragging.
Students should behave in a respectful manner with their teachers and non-teaching staff of college.
Students are strictly prohibited from possession or using any fire arms, lethal weapons explosives dangerous substances in the campus of the institution.
Strict action will be taken against the students for any act of violence, assault, intimidation or threatening in the institution.
Students shouldn’t indulge in instigating violence or participate violent demonstration, gherao of any official or staff member of the institution.
Lawful action will be taken against the students for conviction in the court of law for criminal offence involving law in moral of turpetive.
Students will be rusticated from the institution by principal of the college in accordance to the university rules.
Without the permission of the principal, students are not permitted to circulate any pamphlets, printed material.
Students are required to use the facilities available in the institution most carefully and judiciously. Students will be required to pay the damage charges if any.
Scribbling and writing on desk, blackboards and walls or defacing the building will be severely dealt with.
Visitors are not allowed to meet the students in the classroom.
Students should take care of their belongings. The institution will not be responsible for any loss.
Students must attend all the functions, events organized by the departments and institution.
Teaching as a noble profession, every teacher has an obligation to conduct himself/herself in accordance with the code of conduct laid down by U.G.C., Government of Maharashtra and University Act, Uniform statutes and ordinances.
Teacher should inculcate among students his/her own ideals.
Teacher by temperament should be calm, patient and communicative.
The teacher is an academic leader in the classroom and no student will be allowed to attend the class without identity card and the teacher himself / herself should wear Identity Card.
Every teacher must complete the syllabus of subject / paper as per the teaching plan submitted to the H.O.D. The teacher should emphasize on maximum use of ICT wherever possible.
Teacher should respect the right and dignity of the students in expressing opinion.
Teacher must deal / treat impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, creed, economic, social, political and physical characteristics.
Teacher should recognize different aptitudes and capabilities and encourage them to develop their personalities and explore their potential.
Develop scientific outlook and respect for manual labor and develop ideals of honesty, righteousness, democracy, patriotism, peace and harmony.
Teacher should be affectionate and respectful to the students.
Teacher should refrain from instigating students against other students, colleagues and non-teaching staff of the institution.
Teacher should not have any considerations in their professional endeavor with respect to caste, creed, religion, race, sex.
Teacher should not undertake any other employment or private tuitions or any other such commitment that is likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities.
Teacher should refrain from availing to leave except on unavoidable circumstances keeping in view of their responsibility towards completion of academic schedule. If any leave is to be availed a prior intimation and sanction from the authority is required.
Teacher should treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners in co-operative understanding in the institution.
Teacher should encourage students to maintain 100% attendance. Daily attendance must be taken and maintain the record of the same.
The teacher should uphold the honor and dignity of teaching profession and provide initiative and quality education to students.
Every non-teaching staff has an obligation to conduct himself / herself in accordance with the code of conduct laid down by Government of Maharashtra rules and regulations.
Non-teaching staff should deal with teachers and students impartially irrespective of their caste creed, religion, gender etc.
Non-teaching staff should co-operate with students and teachers.
They should be punctual as their presence is essential for commencement and smooth functioning of the institution.
Non-teaching staff are responsible for proper use and maintenance of the equipments and furniture of the institution and use the resources most judicially.
Non-teaching staff is prohibited from chewing tobacco/guthkha and smoking. Strict action will be taken against the non-teaching staff if they are found under the influence of liqueur and drugs.
Non-teaching staff should be calm, honest and loyal in performing duties efficiently.
They should interact and co-ordinate with the college students and staff in carrying out various activities.
They must maintain all the official documents and confidentiality should be maintained wherever necessary.
They should not indulge in any political or criminal activity in the campus of the institution.
They should not get in any employment, in any business or similar activities outside the campus.
Non-teaching staff should obtain prior permission before taking any leave.
They should provide every support for conduct of internal, external and university examinations.
Non-teaching staff should be respectful to teachers, students. Their colleagues, parents and stakeholders.
Non-teaching staff is responsible for maintaining cleanliness of the campus at all times.