Let us Enlighten the World with Lamp of Knowledge

Contact us (0233) 2622523

Ratanshinagar, Aamrai,P. B. 161, Sangli-416416

7:00 am to 5:00 pmMonday to Saturday

Contact us (0233) 2622523

Ratanshinagar, Aamrai,P. B. 161, Sangli-416416

7:00 am to 5:00 pmMonday to Saturday

Let us Enlighten the World with Lamp of Knowledge


Ratanshinagar, Aamrai, P. B. 161, Sangli-416416


(0233) 2622523

Admission Process And Fee Structure

A] Admission Process –

Applications for admission to all the courses are invited by issuing notices that appear in the major regional, local newspapers. The norms of the admission process that are set by the University and the Government of Maharashtra and the Central Government are strictly followed.
BBA / BCA admissions are centralized and merit performance is taken into consideration.

B] Fee Structure –


C] Scholarships and Stipends –